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Kenneth Baldwin
- Centre Deputy Director, ARC CoE for Quantum-Atom Optics
- Professor and Deputy Director, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University
- BSc, ANU
- MSc, ANU
- PhD, DIC, Imperial College, London
- Fellow of the Optical Society of America
- Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics
- Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK)
- Fellow of the American Physical Society
- 2004 Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science, Australian Government
- 2007 W.H. "Beattie" Steel Medal, Australian Optical Society
- 2010 Barry Inglis Medal, National Measurement Institute
Contact Details
Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
The Australian National University,
Canberra ACT 0200
Tel: (+61-2) 6125 4702
Fax: (+61-2) 6125 2452
Personal Webpage
Email: kenneth.baldwin anu.edu.au
Research Interests
- Quantum and Atom Optics
- Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms
- Bose-Einstein Condensation
- Metastable Helium Atom Optics
- Nonlinear Optics
- Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules
- Coherent Generation of VUV Radiation
Selected Publications
- Hannaford Peter, Sidorov A, Baldwin Kenneth
Laser Spectroscopy
Laser Spectroscopy: proceedings of the XVI international conference . 395 (2004) ISBN:9812386165
Book Chapter
- Rode Andrei V, Freeman Darren, Madsen Nathan, Baldwin Kenneth, Wain A, Uteza Olivier, Delaporte Philippe
Cleaning of paint with high repetition rate laser: Scanning the laser beam
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks . 49-53 (2008) ISBN:9780415475969
- Rode Andrei V, Madsen Nathan, Gamaly Eugene G, Luther-Davies Barry, Baldwin Kenneth, Hallam D, Wain A, Hughes J
Ultrafast Laser Cleaning of Museum Artifacts
Laser Cleaning II . 219-230 (2006) ISBN:9789812703729
Journal Articles
- Dall Robert, Hodgman Sean, Johnsson Mattias, Baldwin Kenneth, Truscott Andrew
Transverse mode imaging of guided matter waves
Physical Review A: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 81 (2009) 011602(R)
- Hodgman Sean, Dall Robert, Baldwin Kenneth, Truscott Andrew
Complete ground-state transition rates for the helium 2 3P manifold
Physical Review A: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 80 (2009) 044501
- Hodgman Sean, Dall Robert, Byron Lesa, Baldwin Kenneth, Buckman Stephen, Truscott Andrew
Metastable Helium: A New Determination of the Longest Atomic Excited-State Lifetime
Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 053002
- Lewis Brenton, Baldwin Kenneth, Heays Alan, Gibson Stephen, Sprengers J.P., Ubachs W., Fujitake M.
Structure and predissociation of the 3pσuD3Σ+u Rydberg state of N2: First extreme-ultraviolet and new near-infrared observations, with coupled-channels analysis
J. Chem. Phys. 129, 204303 (2008)
- Dall Robert, Baldwin Kenneth, Byron Lesa, Truscott Andrew
Experimental Determination of the Helium 2 3P1-1 1S0 Transition Rate
Physical Review Letters 100(2) (2008) 023001
- Rode Andrei V, Freeman Darren, Baldwin Kenneth, Wain A, Uteza Olivier, Delaporte Philippe
Scanning the laser beam for ultrafast pulse laser cleaning of paint
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 93, 135 - 139 (2008)Lewis
- Brenton, Baldwin Kenneth, Sprengers J P, Ubachs Wim, Stark Glenn, Yoshino K
Optical observation of the C, 3ssg F3 , and 3ppu G3Pu states of N2
Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 164305 (2008)
- Rode Andrei V, Baldwin Kenneth, Wain A, Madsen Nathan, Freeman Darren, Delaporte Philippe, Luther-Davies Barry
Ultrafast laser ablation for restoration of heritage objects
Applied Surface Science 254, 3137-3146 (2008)
- Rode Andrei V, Baldwin Kenneth, Wain A, Delaporte Philippe
Ultrafast lasers for conservation of heritage artefacts
AICCM Bulletin 30, 17-26 (2007)
- Rode Andrei V, Baldwin Kenneth, Wain A, Madsen Nathan, Freeman Darren, Delaporte Philippe, Luther-Davies Barry
Ultrafast laser ablation for restoration of heritage objects
Applied Surface Science 254, 3137-3146 (2007)
- Chaustowski Rene, Leung V., Baldwin Kenneth
Magnetic hexapole lens focusing of a metastable helium atomic beam for UV-free lithography
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 86, 491-496 (2007)
- White Richard T, He Yabai, Orr Brian J, Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth
Control of frequency chirp in nanosecond-pulsed laser spectroscopy. 3. Spectrotemporal dynamics of an injection-seeded optical parametric oscillator
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 24, 2601-2609 (2007) 10
- Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth, He Yabai, White Richard T, Orr Brian J
CHAPS: a new precision laser-spectroscopic technique
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23, 1181-1189 (2006) 6
- Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth, He Yongkang, White Richard T, Orr Brian J
Heterodyne-assisted Pulsed Spectroscopy with a nearly Fourier-transform Limited Injection-seeded Optical Parametric Oscillator
Optics Letters 30, 3413-3415 (2005) 24
- Sprengers J P, Reinhold E., Ubachs Wim, Baldwin Kenneth, Lewis Brenton
Optical Observation of the 3sσgF3Πu Ryberg state of N2
Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 144315-1-5 (2005) 14
- Uhlmann Linda, Dall Robert, Truscott Andrew, Hoogerland Maarten, Baldwin Kenneth, Buckman Stephen
Electron Collisions with Laser Cooled and Trapped Metastable Helium Atoms: Total Scattering Cross Sections
Physical Review Letters 94, 173201-1-4 (2005) 17
- Baldwin Kenneth
Metastable Helium: Atom Optics with Nano-grenades
Contemporary Physics 46, 105-120 (2005) 2
- Sprengers J P, Ubachs Wim, Baldwin Kenneth
Isotopic Variation of Experimental Lifetimes for the Lowest 1Πu States of N2
Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 144301-1-6 (2005) 14
- White Richard T, He Yongkang, Orr Brian J, Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth
Control of Frequency Chirp in Nanosecond-Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy. 2. A Long-Pulse Optical Parametric Oscillator for Narrow Optical Bandwidth
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 21, 1586-1594 (2004) 9
- Swansson James A, Baldwin Kenneth, Hoogerland Maarten, Truscott Andrew, Buckman Stephen
A High-Flux Liquid-Helium Cooled Source of Metastable Rare Gas Atoms
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 79, 485-489 (2004)
- White Richard T, He Yongkang, Orr Brian J, Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth
Control of Frequency Chirp in Nanosecond-Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy. 1. Optical-Heterodyne Chirp Analysis Techniques
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 21, 1577-1585 (2004) 9
- Dedman Colin J , Nes J, Hanna Thomas, Dall Robert, Baldwin Kenneth, Truscott Andrew
Optimum Design and Construction of a Zeeman Slower for Use with a Magneto-Optic Trap
Review of Scientific Instruments 75, 5136-5142 (2004) 12
- White Richard T, He Yongkang, Orr Brian J, Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth
Transition from Single-Mode to Multimode Operation of an Injection-Seeded Pulsed Optical Parametric Oscillator
Optics Express 12, 5655-5660 (2004) 23
- White Richard T, He Yabai, Orr Brian J, Kono Mitsuhiko, Baldwin Kenneth
Pulsed Injection-seeded Optical Parametric Oscillator with Low Frequency Chirp for High-resolution Spectroscopy
Optics Letters 28, 1248-1250 (2003) 14
- Halliwell X.W., Friedrich R W, Gibson Stephen, Baldwin Kenneth
Quantum Reflection of Metastable Helium 23S Atoms in Hollow Optical Fibres
Optics Communications 224, 89-95 (2003)
- Kono Mitsuhiko, Lewis Brenton, Baldwin Kenneth, Gibson Stephen
Experimental Verification of Line- and Band-shape Asymmetry in the Schumann-Runge System of O2
Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 10924-10928 (2003) 24
- Sprengers J P, Ubachs Wim, Baldwin Kenneth, Lewis Brenton, Tchang-Brillet W-U L
Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Excitation of Isotopic Molecular Nitrogen: The Dipole-allowed Spectrum of 15N2 and 14N15N
Journal of Chemical Physics 119, 3160-3173 (2003) 6
- Leung V., Truscott Andrew, Baldwin Kenneth
Nonlinear atom optics with bright matter-wave soliton trains
Physical Review A: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 66, 061602-1-4 (2002)
- Dall Robert, Hoogerland Maarten, Tierney D., Baldwin Kenneth, Buckman Stephen
Single-Mode Hollow Optical Fibres for Atom Guiding
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 74, 11-18 (2002)
- Lewis Brenton, Gibson Stephen, Baldwin Kenneth, Dooley P.M., Waring K.
Comparative Very-High Resolution VUV Spectroscopy: Laser Spectroscopy of O2
Surface Review and Letters 9, 31-38 (2002) 1
- Dall Robert, Hoogerland Maarten, Baldwin Kenneth, Buckman Stephen
Hollow fibre guides for metastable helium atoms
Academie des Sciences Comptes Rendus: Physique 2, 595-603 (2001) 4
- Dedman Colin J , Baldwin Kenneth, Colla Max
Fast switching of magnetic fields in a magneto-optic trap
Review of Scientific Instruments 72, 4055-4058 (2001) 11
- Lu W, Hoogerland Maarten, Milic D, Baldwin Kenneth, Buckman Stephen
A bright metastable atom source at 80K
Review of Scientific Instruments 72, 2558-2561 (2001) 6
- Milic D, Hoogerland Maarten, Baldwin Kenneth, Buckman Stephen
Mirror design for two-dimensional magneto-optic lenses and compressors
Applied Optics 40, 1907-1910 (2001) 12
- Waring K., Lewis Brenton, Baldwin Kenneth, Gibson Stephen
λ and γ reversal: The dissociation-limit region of the B 3∑μ state of O2
Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 5836-5842 (2001) 13
- Bergeson S, Baldwin Kenneth, Lucatorto T, McIlrath T, Cheng C, Eyler Edward
Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet: helium 11S-21S transition
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 17, 1599 - 1606 (2000)
- Baldwin Kenneth, Bott M, Bachor Hans, Chapple P
Third-harmonic generation and laser-induced continuum structure in sodium
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 2, 470-475 (2000)
- Close John, Baldwin Kenneth, Hoffman K, Quaas N
Fragmentation of dodecanethiol molecules: application to self-assembled monolayer damage in atom lithography
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 70, 651-655 (2000)