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Scott Hoffmann
Contact Details
Quantum Atom Optics Theory Group
School of Mathematics and Physics
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072
Office: Rm. 304, Physics Annexe
Tel: (07) 3346 8754
Fax: (07) 3365 1242
Personal Webpage
Email: hoffmann physics.uq.edu.au
Research Interests
- Quantum mechanics and special relativity
- Phase-space methods for problems in Bose-Einstein condensation and quantum optics
Selected Publications
- MORGUE, a neutron powder diffraction profile refinement program with control-file facility to include structural and rigid-body thermal-motion constraints. P.G. Byrom, S.E. Hoffmann and B.W. Lucas, J. Appl. Cryst. 22, 629 (1989)
- Astrophysical Constraints and Detection of Paraphotons and Axions. S. Hoffmann in Proceedings, 9th Annual Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto Meeting (Rochester, 1987) 47
- Paraphotons and Axions: Similarities in Stellar Emission and Detection. S. Hoffmann, Phys. Lett. B193, 117 (1987)