UQ QAO Group student awarded University Medal
13 April 2012
UQ QAO Group student Robert Robert Lewis-Swan was awarded a UQ 2011 Medal acknowledging his outstanding academic performance |
Dr Matthew Davis receives Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award
2 Dec 2011
Dr Matthew Davis has received a Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award in recognition of his excellence in early career research together with his passion and capacity to communicate science to the community. |
The Centre for Quantum-Atom Optics welcomes Associate Professor Michael Bromley
4 July 2011
The Centre for Quantum-Atom Optics welcomes Associate Professor Michael Bromley. Michael joins us as an ARC Future Fellow and works in atom optics theory and other aspects of atomic, molecular and optical physics using high-performance computing. |
Beating the standard quantum limit on noise with ultra-cold atoms
29 Dec 2010
An international team of researchers involving Dr Karen Kheruntsyan from the University of Queensland node of ACQAO and his colleagues from France and Poland have produced a source of pair-correlated atoms that beats the standard quantum limit on noise. Read more... |
ACQAO Staff Awarded ARC Future Fellowships
20 Nov 2010
UQ ACQAO researchers Karen Kheruntsyan and Murray Olsen have been awarded Australian Research Council Future Fellowships. The aim of Future Fellowships is to attract and retain the best and brightest mid-career researchers in Australia. |
Matthew Davis wins UQ Teaching Award
20 Nov 2010
Associate Professor Matthew Davis has received The University of Queensland Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in recognition of his contribution to the quality of student learning, student engagement and the overall student experience at The University of Queensland. |
Michael Garrett wins OSA student prize for best talk at ACOLS
7 Dec 2009
Michael Garrett of The University of Queensland Node of ACQAO has won the Optical Society of America prize for best student talk at ACOLS 2009. The value of the prize is USD$1250 in the form of reimbursement for costs associated with attending an OSA conference. |
Sarah Midgley awarded Georgina Sweet Fellowship
6 Aug 2009
Sarah Midgley, a postgraduate student who is currenctly undertaking a PhD in theoretical physics within the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics (ACQAO) at the University of Queensland, has been chosen as the 2009 winner of the Georgina Sweet Fellowship.
Read more... |
Quantum Mechanical 'Hurricanes'
9 March 2009
ACQAO scientists at the University of Queensland, Dr Matt Davis and Ashton Bradley, together with their colleagues at the University of Arizona have discovered that when an ultracold gas of atoms gets cold enough, it can spontaneously spin up into what might be described as quantum mechanical twisters or hurricanes. The Queensland and Arizona researchers are reporting the results of theresearch in the journal Nature.
Does distance make the heart grow fonder?
27 April 2008
Theorists Andrew Sykes, Matt Davis and Karen Kheruntsyan alongside Dimitri Gangardt from the University of Birmingham have generated a finite temperature phase diagram of the second-order correlation function, in a system of interacting bosons confined to move in one spatial dimension. |
Stephanie Golding awarded UQ General Staff Prize 2008
27 April 2008
As well as being a very able
administrator for the UQ node, Stephanie Golding has also been
studying the classics and last year completed her degree. Not only
that, but she has now been awarded the 2008 UQ General Staff Prize -
for the general staff member with the best results throughout their
degree. |
Thermal quantum physics in Lineland
9 March 2008
A team of researchers from the Netherlands and Australia has succeeded
in comparing the temperature and the density of a one-dimensional
quantum gas to an exact theory that was developed back in 1969 by C. N.
Yang and C. P. Yang.
Dr Murray Olsen is elected an APS Outstanding Referee
18 February 2008
The editors of the APS journals have chosen ACQAO research fellow Murray
Olsen as one of the inaugural group of 534 Outstanding Referees. They
intend to choose an additional 130 or so referees each subsequent year
for this lifetime award. |
Dr Margaret Reid has been elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of
27 November 2007
Dr Margaret Reid has been elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of
America for: `developing ways to test the fundamental concepts of
nonlocality, squeezing, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradoxes, entanglement
and macroscopic superpositions in quantum optical systems'. |
Prof. Peter Drummond awarded the Moyal Medal and Lecturer for 2007
22 October 2007
Professor Peter Drummond has been awarded the Moyal Medal and Lecturer for 2007 for his distinguished contributions to physics. Macquarie University has established a Medal and a Lecture Series in honour of Professor Joe Moyal. The lectures are given annually at Macquarie University by the Medallist. |
ACQAO members successful in the ARC
26 September 2007
Congratulations to Peter Drummond, Q. He, and John Hedditch for the
successful ARC Discovery grant including an APF and APD fellowships! |
Dr. Matthew Davis wins UQ Foundation Excellence Award
19 September 2007
Dr Matthew Davis, from the University of Queensland ACQAO Theory Node, has been awarded $60,000 to investigate Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), to further understand the nature of the universe. His particular interest is how BECs, and especially quantum whirlpools called vortices, form. Congratulations Matthew! Read more... |
ACQAO student awarded AIP Laby Medal
Posted: 4 September 2007
Geoffrey Lee was jointly awarded the 2006 T.H. Laby medal for best physics honours thesis in Victoria by the Victorian branch of the AIP. |
Strongly Interacting Polarized Fermi Gases
20 July 2007
UQ ACQAO theory group explores the phase diagram, vortex bound states and thermodynamic properties of imbalanced Fermi gases near the broad Feshbach resonance. |
Teleportation of Massive Particles
13 June 2007
Theorists from the UQ (Ashton Bradley, Simon Haine, Murray Olsen) and ANU Faculties (Joseph Hope) nodes of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics (ACQAO) have come up with a scheme to teleport quantum states of collections of atoms from one position to another by converting the quantum state to light and back again. This work has been highlighted in a recent article in New Scientist. |
Universal Behavior in Strongly Interacting Fermions
6 June 2007
In a recent Nature Physics article theorists at the University of Queensland
Centre for Quantum-Atom Optics in Australia (Xia-Ji Liu & Peter D. Drummond) and at Renmin University
of China in Beijing (Hui Hu) have uncovered universal behavior in strongly interacting fermions. |
International Workshop on Quantum Noise 2007
Posted: 6 January 2007
14-18 May 2007 at Grand Pacific Resort, Caloundra, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. This workshop will cover hot topics in quantum optics and ultracold quantum gases, from both theory and experiment. |
ACQAO student awarded University Medal
Posted: 19 December 2006
ACQAO student David Barry has been awarded a University
medal for outstanding marks in his Mathematics course. |
Posted: 26 October 2006
Andy Ferris won the prize for Best Physics Poster at the School of Physical Sciences Poster Day. |
UQ-ACQAO Student awarded Marie Curie Fellowship
Posted: 16 September 2006
Ex UQ-ACQAO student, Piotr Deuar, has been awarded the European Marie Curie Fellowship. His new position is at the Universite de Paris Sud, with eminent theorist Gora Shlyapnikov, working on ultra-cold atoms.
Honouring Roy Glauber
Posted: 4 July 2006
Professor Peter Drummond, gives the keynote introductory address for a festive symposium honouring the 2005 Nobel prize-winner in Physics, Roy Glauber. |
Extension of Einstein's work
Posted: 20 December 2005
An ACQAO research team has celebrated the end of the Einstein International Year of Physics by developing a new theory based on work originated by the great scientist. |
Posted: 22 April 2005
Research Highlights section in Nature [Nature 434, 972 (2005)] comments on recent work at ACQAO published in the Physical Review Letters by
M. Dowling et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 130401 (2005). |
ACQAO members receive ARC Centre Fellowships
Posted: 19 March 2005
Congratulations to Dr Karen Kheruntsyan and Dr Joseph Hope who have been awarded ARC Centre Fellowships for their research achievements and publications. |
Posted: 28 February 2005
Dell Australia today announced the deployment of a 72 processor supercomputer at the University of Queensland's ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics (ACQAO) research facility. |
Posted: 22 December 2004
The 2004 Massey Medal, a joint AIP-IOP prize, has been awarded to Professor Peter Drummond of the University of Queensland for his work on many-body theories and quantum optics. |
Posted: 29 November 2004
An ultra-cool wave is sweeping across quantum physics, reports Leigh Dayton in The Weekend Australian, 27-Nov-2004. |
Posted:15 November 2004
The book "Quantum Squeezing" (Eds. Peter Drummond and Z. Ficek) will be launched on Monday 22 November 2004, at 4:00pm in the Conference Room 237 (Bld. 6, Physics Annexe, Department of Physics, University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus). |
Posted: 17 May 2004
The Nobel Prize winning research group of Professor Bill Phillips at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), this week published an experimental confirmation of a recent theoretical prediction of Dr Karen Kheruntsyan and Professor Peter Drummond. |
Posted: 24 July 2003
Atomic correlations are like human relations. Now we can tell exactly how much
'like' or 'dislike' atoms have for each other when confined to a wire-like
waveguide at ultra-low temperatures. |
Posted: 23 July 2003
The new ARC Centre
of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics (ACQAO) will be opened on
Wednesday, July 23 at 10.15am, and promises to set Australia at the
forefront of laser technology. |