Our group has released several software packages. All of our packages are released as free software and can be downloaded from GitHub.
OTT: Optical Tweezers Toolbox
The optical tweezers toolbox can be used to calculate optical forces and torques of particles using the T-matrix formalism in a vector spherical wave basis. The toolbox includes codes for calculating T-matrices, beams described by vector spherical wave functions, functions for calculating forces and torques, and examples. We are currently in the progress of putting together the second version of this toolbox that should be much easier to use and include multiple methods for calculating the optical forces and torques.
HARTT: High Aspect Ratio T-matrix Toolbox
HARTT is a package to find T-matrix representations for high-aspect ratio particles such as cylinders and ellipsoids. It can produce accurate calculations of scattering where OTT would typically fail due to numerical instabilities. It is capable of outputting a T-matrix so that it may be used by OTT.
OTSLM Toolbox for Structured Light Methods
OTSLM is a collection of functions and user interfaces for controlling and generating patterns for spatial light modulators (SLMs) and digital micromirror devices (DMDs). Our group has not yet released the toolbox, we plan to release it with the publication of the associated paper (currently in review).