Each corresponding author who would like to present a 20-25 min contributed talk or a poster is requested to prepare a 50-100 word Abstract and submit it electronically. During the online submission process, you will be asked to provide the following information:

The number of participants will be limited to 60.
In addition to the invited talks, the schedule will allow for approximately 15-20 contributed talks and also generous time for informal discussions. The program committee may schedule your presentation as a poster though you may have indicated that an oral presentation would be preferred.
We plan to have about 15 posters per session and expect the sessions to be very exciting and productive.


Submission deadline: 23 February 2007

-- Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 2 March 2007. --

Post-deadline submissions: For late submissions please contact Karen Kheruntsyan to check if we can fit your presentation into the timetable.

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